More than just a gold star sticker on the resume, volunteering can also be beneficial to one’s social being, mental health, creativity, life expectancy and others. Nowadays, volunteering in Malaysia is not only limited to a school curricular activity, in fact, everyone can volunteer during their free time, on weekends or even make it a monthly activity.
Among them is Syafiq Najmuddin Jamali, who has been volunteering with Small Changes since he was 18-years-old.
“I discovered SC through a social media post on Twitter. I was 18 and looking for a pastime activity, hence why I decided on joining Seeds of Deeds (SOD) as a facilitator,” shared the 25-year-old.
A student at the time, Syafiq believes that connecting with underprivileged communities is a step towards developing a sense of empathy,
“I am motivated through the thought that I am owed to give back to the communities around me, for all the privileges I have been given in my way growing up.”
Occasionally volunteers would only commit to volunteering every once in a while but Syafiq who has been volunteering for the past five years finds that volunteering with Small Changes gives room for growth.
“At first I only signed up for volunteering where I just came and helped with anything that needed to be done, five years later I find myself holding positions I never dreamed of working with this NGO. My first stint as a facilitator was in 2017, then I joined Seeds of Deeds (SOD) again in 2019 before I became an MD for 2021’s virtual SOD run. I then became two-term VP Projects up to date.”
Having held a few positions, Syafiq says that dealing with the role and tasks has helped him in polishing his interpersonal skills.
“Being in SC has helped me grow so much from a young boy into a man. Volunteering taught me to work in professional settings, and how to improve my communication skills. Essentially I realise that this is a privilege. I strive everyday to be the best version of myself,” adds Syafiq.
But like any other volunteers, Syafiq also had his own fair share of struggles throughout his time of volunteering, “Some of the challenges were unnerving and disheartening, but these challenges have allowed me to continue learning. Team coordination, expectation delivery and taking care of the wellbeing of my committees were all my biggest challenges but none I didn’t and couldn’t get through, all without my helpful teammates.”
Throughout his sessions of volunteering with Small Changes, a core memory that Syafiq remembers is the latest Seeds of Deeds (SOD): Flagship 2023 that commenced at the end of August this year, it was for five days and four nights. The module themes of the project include future pathways, individual insight, and self-management.
“This year’s SOD Project is where I get to witness my committees, whom I am happy to call my best friends bloom and reap the rewards of their hard work. I can never forget my last Xi Shua Shua dance.” Xi-Shua Shua is a must-do dance in every SC programme during module breaks or fitness time.
Expanding his social circle has helped Syafiq broaden his perspective and help his peers to become confident with who they are.
“Whilst volunteering I have made so many friends from all kinds of different backgrounds. On trying to work on a better me, I also manage to help those around me. From the subtlest ways of having the courage to raise their hand, encouraging others to excel together, and getting over their stage fright to speak in front. In the best way, I am happy that one of my 2017 SOD students is now a facilitator, and I am happy that by the last day of every camp, students were out of their shell, a better version of themselves than they were yesterday.”
As a newbie, Syafiq understands that volunteering for the first time and not knowing anyone around you can be daunting. His advice to newbies is to always keep an open mind to new experiences.
“Developing my composure has helped me measure when to listen, speak and to take action accordingly. Sometimes all it takes to diffuse an unfavorable situation is to listen and acknowledge the incident. Always go out of your shell. I keep myself on my toes through constant conversations with strangers or new friends – it helps build an approachable persona and creates mutual trust,’ says Shafiq.
To those who plan to volunteer in the future Syafiq has one advice to share,
“Volunteer with the aim to be the best version of yourself. Changing the world is a big ask – but changing yourself for the better is a challenge worthy of all your efforts. Only through being the best version of yourself, do we have the capacity and aura to help others around us do the same.”
There is without an iota of doubt that volunteering brings significant impact to our lives whether we are looking for a small change or a big one, the journey that volunteering brings can be an unexpected memory that can simply help you reach your goal towards working on yourself, the community and making the world a better place.
Written by: Fatihah Irdina
Designed by: Anas Naqieb