SC Belajar

In 2020, Small Changes was inspired to create an after-school support programme to educate students on crucial topics that are not necessarily taught in school. We felt that there was a knowledge gap that prevented them from becoming holistic individuals.

Thus, the e-Kelas pilot programme, now known as SC Belajar, was born.

As we wrapped up 2021, the team has successfully created four after-school modules, complete with videos and guided workbooks to complement the videos.

The module workbooks are available upon request.

Take a peek at the modules below!

Mindfulness: Calming Our Storms

This is a module to teach students basic mindfulness techniques to help them de-stress. Students are taught two mindfulness techniques in the modules: journaling and breathing exercises. Upon having the live Zoom session, we discovered that the guided meditation session was the most helpful way to teach the concept of mindfulness to students. We have subsequently added a guided meditation session to the video. Furthermore, the number of questions for the guided journal was decreased from five to four, with one question simplified, after receiving feedback from participants that they were not confident about completing the guided journal every day.

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Saving Money: What They Don't Teach You In School

A guideline of almost everything you need to know on how to save money. Saving Money covers a few fundamental aspects such as Debt, Income, Interest, Liabilities and most importantly, How to Save Money. The 2nd part of the video is simulated into an interactive video making it feel like a video game, it revolves around a family affected by COVID-19, making them live through 30 days with minimum salary play. Throughout the video, it will feature financial literacy while making choices with each having its repercussions.

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Sexual Harrassment: Saying No to Monsters

This is a module to teach primary school students the concept of sexual harassment, and how to protect themselves and others from sexual harassment. In the module, students learned the different types of sexual harassment, what to do when they are sexually harassed, and what to do when they see others being sexually harassed. In the live Zoom session, we learned that young children have trouble understanding certain terms, like ‘genitalia’. We have therefore simplified many technical terms in the guided journal after receiving the feedback. We also learned that interactions between speakers were important when it came to engaging the participants’ attention. As a result, we have decided to have two speakers for the video instead of just one.

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Spot A Scam

In this episode of #SCbelajar, we explore the topic of survival skills. “Spot A Scam!” is an informative module that focuses on the digital world (i.e. e-commerce and social media apps). Through this module, secondary school students will be exposed to how to detect a scam on shopping websites and social media apps. They will be encouraged to familiarise themselves with technical terms so that they can prevent themselves from being one of the victims. The objective of this module is to raise awareness of the importance of cyber security.

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The Great Escape

In this episode of #SCbelajar, we explore the topic of self-defence. “The Great Escape” is an informative module specifically focused on introducing students to martial arts and self-defence tools. Through this module, secondary school students will be exposed to the significance of learning martial arts and knowledge about self-defence tools that are legally allowed in Malaysia. The objective of this module is to promote and encourage participants to be brave and to equip themselves with self-defence skills.

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It’s Okay Not To Be Okay

In this episode of #SCbelajar, “It’s Okay Not To Be Okay”, we explore the topic of mental health. This video introduces and describes different types of mental health issues and provides practical ways to manage symptoms and improve mental health. The module focuses on mental health issues that usually are experienced by teenagers like depression, anxiety, social phobias, suicide and self-harm, and eating disorders. The objective of this module is to help destigmatize the perception of people with mental illness, to suggest proper channels for people that are suffering from mental illness, and to teach them about the symptoms of the various types of mental health issues.

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