Iman: What’s the most rewarding aspect of volunteering for you?
Tisya: For me, the belief that you will receive back whatever you give, in some form, is profound. When I registered for GDO last year to empower the students, I found myself feeling empowered instead. It seems that one is never at a loss for extending a helping hand. No amount of time, effort, or resources is ever wasted.
Iman: What is one thing you learned – that you wouldn’t have known otherwise – if it weren’t for your time volunteering with SC?
Tisya: Great outcomes result from synergy, deep passion, and big dreams. Continue to dream big and challenge the norms. Most importantly, remain steadfast in your principles and beliefs. SC has taught me that even the wildest dreams and hopes can become a reality.
Iman: Can you share the experiences meeting new people throughout your volunteer work?
Tisya: The second greatest reward of volunteering, after witnessing the impact you have made, is the people you meet along the way. It is invigorating to work and converse with like-minded individuals. Observing everyone putting forth their utmost effort and sharing the same level of care as you do restores your faith in humanity.
Iman: In your opinion, what are the qualities and/or skills that an individual must have or at least to have if he or she would like to join volunteering?
Tisya: I can provide a list of essential skills that individuals should possess to be efficient and productive. However, none of these skills matter without the one key element that serves as the catalyst for sustained volunteering: a deep passion and a clear understanding of your motivation for starting this journey.
Iman: Can you share any exciting partnerships or collaborations that have been established for Seeds of Deeds: Girls in Action?
Tisya: Our main sponsor would be none other than Axiata Foundation. Additionally, we have secured several other sponsorships, which will be revealed in due course. Here’s a hint: one of them is from beauty product companies.
Iman: Reflecting on your volunteer experiences, how has volunteering influenced your career aspirations or personal goals, if there is any.
Tisya: My volunteering experience has given me a new purpose in life. I’ve passed through various stages and often wondered, “What’s next?” Volunteering has provided an answer—it is to continue making an impact in every possible way I can. From small gestures that lighten someone’s burden to significant contributions that improve the quality of someone’s life, I aspire to make a meaningful impact in both my professional and personal lives.